

Sunday: 10:30 AM ET CHURCH (& ONLINE) -- BI-WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY Wednesday 7PM

The latest at Lighthouse Ministries Church of God

Stay up to date with the happenings of Lighthouse Ministries Church of God by visiting our blog. You'll find information such as announcements, sermon notes and thoughts from our leadership to encourage and challenge your walk with the Lord.

Water, Water, Everywhere...

by: Russell Pavlicek



A couple weeks ago, we had a water pipe burst. Thankfully, the sanctuary was not affected.  But we had to have flooring taken up in multiple rooms, a fair amount of wet wallboard removed, and more.  This is not what you hope to see just a few weeks before Easter!

Whether or not everything is back in place for Easter is an open question. But nothing -- NOTHING -- will keep us from celebrating the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ! 

Even if some wallboard is missing, or so

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Happy New Year 2022!

by: Pastor Hamby



Welcome 2022! Even though we’re still dealing with the pandemic I want to encourage you to be thankful for all of God’s blessings in your life. I’m reminded of when Isaac was digging wells and planting his crops in the middle of a drought that been had been going on for several years. People were just trying to make it through and survive but right in the middle of it all God directed Isaac to not only dig wells during a drought but to plant his crops. It seemed impossible

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The End Times in the Headlines Teaching Series on Wednesdays

by: Russell Pavlicek



Each Wednesday evening from Oct 13 through Nov 17, we will meet in the sanctuary at 7 PM ET for a new teaching series which will explore how current events are building toward the coming Tribulation described in Scripture.  These sessions will also be streamed to this website via the same Live Stream we use on Sunday mornings.  The content is too sensitive to Facebook, as it will look at people and actions from a Biblical lens which is often not allowed by the major social

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Our First Ever Remote Special Speaker!

by: Russell Pavlicek



As you are undoubtedly aware, churches all have had to adjust to life in a Covid-present world.  Well, we are definitely trying something new: a guest preacher who will join us over the Internet from more than a thousand miles away!

Our special guest on Sunday June 13 will be Pastor Greg Young,  known as "Pastor Greg" on his radio show Chosen Generation Radio.  The show features conversational interviews focused on the issues of the day and with a biblical worldview. He was

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Back to Normal? Almost...?

by: Russell Pavlicek



Many of us have welcomed the good news from Governor Hogan that many state-ordered restrictions have been lifted.  Lighthouse Ministries is in Montgomery County, which still has restrictions in place, but we are hopeful that these will also be reduced before long.

In the meantime, we still have our Sunday services -- both in person and online -- every week at 10:30 AM ET.  We will continue to observe precautions to protect those come to worship with us.  If you've stayed aw

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Coming Soon: New Video Screens in the Sanctuary!

by: Russell Pavlicek



It's amazing!

During a pandemic and a weak economy, when there is pressure on people to be careful with funds, we successfully raised $3800 to upgrade the video screens in the sanctuary!  And we did it so fast, I didn't even have enough time to write an actual blog about the project!  Praise God!

For people who may not know, we currently have a ceiling-mounted projector which displays our songs and videos on a pull-down screen in the front of the sanctuary.  It's functional

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Celebrating 7 Years of Streaming Services!

by: Russell Pavlicek



Some anniversaries you plan for; others sneak up on you.  This is one of the latter.  Seven years ago this week, we did our first recorded livestream of our Sunday church service.  The quality wasn't great, but it worked.  Over the months following, we made improvements to video and audio, expanding from our initial 2 camera system up to 5 cameras.  We tried a few video service providers before finally selecting Christian World Media to host our streams.  With a meager pic

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Thanksgiving, Christmas, Lockdowns, and Worship

by: Russell Pavlicek



We are preparing to enter the strangest holiday season in my lifetime.  As I write this, there is controversy over the results of the recent election, there is word that Maryland may go back into more restrictions on gatherings if the number of virus cases continues to increase, Thanksgiving is less than 2 weeks away, and Christmas is just around the corner.  I just heard about an edict in one of the western states which forbids members of more than 3 distinct family group

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Glitches and Solutions

by: Russell Pavlicek



If you tried to join us for Virtual Church this past Sunday, you undoubtedly noticed the technical issues we faced.  As we started the stream, we very quickly discovered that our bandwidth was greatly restricted, with less than 15% of the normal bandwidth we have on most Sunday mornings.  This caused 98% of the signal to be lost; the results were predictably horrible.

We contacted Comcast and this week, they corrected the problem, which apparently was affecting the entire n

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Our Doors Are Open Once Again!

by: Russell Pavlicek



The rules for Montgomery County have been modified so we can begin opening up our doors in a significant way!  We are still restricted in number based on square footage, but we have more than enough seats now available to accomodate a decent crowd.

If you have been waiting for churches to open so you can return to attending live services, wait no longer!  Come on in; we're here for you!  Worship the Lord Jesus with us!

We're here Sundays at 10:30 AM for worship and Wednesday

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Upgrade of Our Video System Nearly Complete!

by: Russell Pavlicek



We have been webcasting our services for over 6 and a half years now!  It doesn't seem very long ago that we streamed our first service, but we've been blessed to have a long successful track record in this area before the current virus situation came on us.

Many other churches were prompted by the restrictions to begin a web presence over the past few months.  We haven't been idle in this area either; we have undergone a top-to-bottom upgrade of our streaming equipment and

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by: Russell Pavlicek



Well, the President says churches are essential, the governor says it's time to open up, but the county... not so much.

So we are continuing our Drive-In services each Sunday, and, of course, Virtual Church services at 10:30 AM ET. We long for the day when we can all meet together in person, but until then, we will do what we can.

If you're in the area, try coming to our parking lot on Sunday morning and tune your radio to 106.1 FM. Join the chorus of car horns as we say,

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by: Russell Pavlicek



Tonight we being our Online Bible Study! For the next few weeks, we will explore the Coronavirus, the social distancing rules, the stay-at-home edicts, and more in the light of the Book of Revelation. For years, we have seen things in the news which cause Christians to ask, "Is this the beginning of the Tribulation?" Many trials have come which were shadows of what will occur. But now, it appears we are seeing the foundation being laid for the coming of a worldwide lea

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We are Locked Down but not Locked Out!

by: Russell Pavlicek



With Governor Hogan's declaration that all Marylanders need to stay in place except for essential services, you might think that our church services are finished for the duration. Well, the Drive-In Church may go away for the moment, but the Virtual Church is still alive and kicking!

We have plans in place to stream our Virtual Church service this and every Sunday during this lockdown, even without going to our church building! Please join us again at 10:30 AM EDT this Su

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Virtual Church and Drive-In Church!

by: Russell Pavlicek



Last week, we introduced Virtual Church -- a way that we can join together to workshop the Lord over the Internet. This week, we added Drive-In Church! Folks in the area can now park in the church parking lot and listen to the service on their car radios. Since everyone stays in their vehicles, this meets the mandate for social distancing, yet allows people to see and wave to one another. Simply tune your radio to 106.1 FM and listen to the service. You can even honk

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